Thursday, October 1, 2015

solve the mathematics model from the problem concern with LETVS and the estimation

Lesson Plan Educational unit : Junior High School Subject : Mathematics Grade : VIII Competency standard : Understanding the linear equation with two variable system and use it to solve a problem in daily activities. Basic competence : solve the mathematics model from the problem concern with LETVS and the estimation Time Allocation : 3x 45 minutes Meeting : 1 times meetings A. Learning Objectives • Solve the mathematics model from the problem that concern with LETVS and the estimation. • Solve the LETVS by using the straight line graph D. Learning Materials The Application of LETVS E. Learning Method / Learning Model • Discussion • Demonstration • Giving Task • Question & Answer Approach • Contextual Teaching and Learning • Problem Based Instruction F. Learning Activity Opening • Apperception: Teacher and students discuss homework Teacher reminds students the ways to determine the solution set of LETVS and to draw a straight line. Main Activity a. Exploration : Teacher guides students to determine the solution set of mathematics models Teacher guides students to interpret the solution set in a graph. b. Elaboration : Teacher give exercises and asks student to do it Teacher give guidance if there is any problem face by student. c. Confirmation : Students perform their answer in front of class, the other student give comment. Closing • Teacher guides the students to make conclusion • Teacher gives homework G. Learning Sources • Student Book Class VIII • Worksheet H. Assessment Indicator of Learning Attainment Technique Assessment Type of Instrument Instrument Able to apply LETVS in the daily life Written test Show the ability - Worksheet - Questions in examples and exercises - Quiz Nina buys 5 oranges and 2 mangoes at price Rp 9,000.00. When she buys 2 oranges and 5 mangoes, she pays at price Rp 12,000.00. Determine the price for each fruits! The price of 6 books and 2 pencils are Rp 4,400.00. However, the price for 3 books and 4 pencils are Rp 3,400.00 Find the price for each pencil and book! And draw the graph!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mengintip pintu pelosok central borneo

Hujan yang mulai turun semalem suntuk mulai reda. Jam dinding telah menunjukkan pukul 08.45. aku beserta suami dengan ketiga temannya bersiap2 menuju miri, mau semacam sensus disana. Tak taulah aku itu dimana. Bagiku, itu adalah daerah antah berantah di wilayah kalimantan tengah ini. Kota kabupaten yang sekarang kutempati saja, bagiku adalah kota di tengah hutan. Maklum, aku belum lama tinggal disini. Sebelumnya, selama 23 tahun aku hanya “bersemedi” di Gresik, kota kelahiranku, kakak-kakakku, ibu, ayah, kakek nenek, bahkan buyut2ku. hohoho 

setelah menjemput 1 teman, jam 9.15 kami memulai perjalanan. aku gak bisa mbayangin jalannya bakal kayak apa. mungkin penuh liku2... hehe.. di 10km pertama, jalan penuh liku (seterusnya pun begitu), disini daerah perbukitan soalnya tapi jalannya mulus alias udah diaspal. sekitar 10 km ke dua, jalannya mulai bikin kami goyang2 gak karuan. Jalan masih tanah. tapi, di kanan kiri jalan banyak pemandangan yg sayang rasanya kalo dilewatkan.