Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lesson plan: linear equation with two variables

Education Unit                   : Junior High School
Subject                                : Mathematics     
Grade/ Semester                  : VIII/ I
Time Allotment                   : 3 x 40 minutes
Competency Standard        : Understanding the linear equation with two variable system  and use it to solve a problem in daily activities
Basic Competence              :2.1. Solve the linear equation with two variable
Indicators                            :1.  Mention the different of LETV and LETVS
                                              2. Knowing LETVS on various form and variable.                         

A.   Learning Objective
Ø  The Students are  able to mention the different of LETV and LETVS
Ø The students are able to Know LETVS on various form and variable
B.     Materials and Tools
·         Material    : Linier equation with two variable
·         Tools        : Laptop
                                      Power point
                                      Mathematics book forJunior High School VIII
C.    Learning Model and Method
Model              : Direct Instruction
Method           : Question-answer and discussion
D.    Teaching and Learning Activities
1.      Introduction(10 minutes)
Step 1: Clarify goals and establish set
Apperception : By question-answer, the students are reminded of one variable linear equation system, example:
                          Dani and Ida are brother and sister. Ida is 8 years older than Dani. Today Dani is exactly 5 years old. How old Ida?
                          Can you make model of that statement?
Teacher tells the learning objective
Motivation : The teacher give example of LETV that has connected with daily life.

Ani bought pencils and books. The total price was Rp 12,000.00. If cost of a pencil is Rp 1,000.00 and the cost of a book is Rp 2,000.00, How many books may Ani buy? How many pencils may Ani buy?    

II. Main Activity (60 minutes)   
Step 2: Demonstrate knowledge and skill
Ø  Teacher ask students to discuss about example of LETV above in pairs
Ø  Teacher give guidance to the students in discussing process and help students if  they have problem
Ø  Teacher guide discussion into LETV
Ø  Teacher give examples about LETV and ask student randomly to give another example
STEP 3: Provide guided practice   
Ø  Teacher give problem about LETVS
Ø  Teacher ask students to discuss about example of LETV above in pairs
Ø  Teacher give guidance to the students in discussing process and help students if  they have problem
Ø  Teacher guide discussion into LETVS
Ø  Teacher give another example of LTEVS
Ø  Teacher guidance discussion into difference of LETV and LETVS
Ø  Teacher give example LETVS on various form and variable
Step 4: Check for understanding and provide feedback
Ø  To check student’s comprehension, teacher asks students to do students’ worksheet  individually
Ø  Teacher around the class to observe student’s progress, and help students if there are some problems

III. Closing ( 10 minutes)
Step 5: Provide extended practice and transfer
Ø  Students collect their worksheet
Ø  By question-answer, teacher guide students to make summarize the subject material that were studied.
·         LETV is equation that have 2 variable
·         If there are two LETV, so that are called LETVS
Ø  Teacher give students homework
Ø  Teacher asks students to study  next material
E.     Evaluation
·         Technique                    : Written test
·         Instrument                   : Essay

Surabaya, 14th August 2010


1.      State whether the following equations is LETV, LTEVS or not both of them
a.       2p – q = 10 and p – 9 = 2q
d.      2x – 3 = y and x – 1 = 2y

2.      Express the following statements in LETV
a.       The perimeter of parallelogram is 34
b.      The sum of Budi’s and Adi’s story books is 12
c.       The price of 2 kg apples and 3 kg oranges is Rp 38,000.00
d.      A retail trader sold 13 kg of hulled rice and 8 kg of sugar. He received Rp 41,000.00
3.      Give 2 example of LETV and 3 example of LETVS

1.      .
a.       LETVS
b.      Not both of them
c.       LETV
d.      LETVS
e.       LETV
f.       LETVS
g.      Not both of them
2.      a. 2m + 2k = 34
b. x + y = 12
c. 2a + 3b = 38,000.00
d. 13g + 8s = 41,000.00
3.      Open ended answer. Example of LETVS: p – 4q + 2 = 0, 3x + 15 = 3y
Example of LETVS: 2p – 5q = 2 and p + 5q = 6, 2x + 5y = 8 and x + 5y = 2,
y = 2x – 5 and y = x + 3

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